Corporate Participants
Christina Cardoza – Associate Editorial Director
John Hulen
Crestron – Director of Channel Marketing for Education
Joe Jackson
QSC – Senior Manager of Education and Government Markets, Q-SYS
(On screen: intro slide introducing the webinar topic and panelists)
Christina Cardoza: Hello, and welcome to the webinar on how technology is reshaping the future of education. I’m your moderator, Christina Cardoza, Associate Editorial Director of, and here to talk more about this topic we have John Hulen from Crestron, and Joe Jackson from Q-SYS. So, before we jump into the conversation, let’s get to know our guests a bit more.
John, I’ll start with you. What can you tell us about Crestron and your role there?
John Hulen: Well, thanks for having me first, Christina. It’s great to be here. I have worked for Crestron for a little over 10 years. In my first role for nearly eight years, I was working with colleges, universities, even some K-12 districts in the Midwestern United States, and my current role is now on the messaging side for our whole education vertical, which includes the United States, Canada, and then globally. So, we have a team that works directly with colleges, universities, and schools to help them understand and implement Crestron technology.
Christina Cardoza: Great, well, I can’t wait to hear more about that. But, Joe, I’ll turn it over to you now. Welcome to the webinar.
Joe Jackson: Hi, I’m Joe Jackson. I’m the Senior Manager for Education and Government Markets for the Q-SYS division of QSC. I’ve been here about four years, but I’ve been in the industry a little over two decades, and I started out at Southern Methodist University as a manager of technology and implemented all this stuff. So, it was only a natural progression that I would go to a manufacturer and help the rest of the education environment. So, good to be here and thank you for having us today.
Christina Cardoza: Of course, you both have some very strong backgrounds to help us navigate through this topic today. So, before we jump into the conversation, let’s take a quick look at our agenda.
(On screen: slide outlining the webinar’s agenda)
Today, we’re going to talk about the state of education, how technology is playing a larger role, the benefits of EdTech for both teachers and students, different use cases you may not have expected EdTech to be applied to, as well as what we can expect from all of this in the future. So, let’s get started.
(On screen: slide on The State of Education with image of hands raised)
Here at we’ve seen, over the last few years, the education center has massively transformed, and they’ve been under immense pressure to transform in order to adapt new technologies that support hybrid and remote learning, and these changes are bringing challenges but also new opportunities in the way we teach and learn.
So, John, I’d love to kick off this topic with you, looking at where we are today, how those changes have impacted the educational landscape.
John Hulen: Well, that’s a huge question. I would say that the instructional technology landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years. Whether it’s, when you go back a little ways, proliferation of personal devices, laptops, tablets, phones, everybody’s got them and carrying them around, but then some newer teaching methodologies, like the active learning spaces and flipped classrooms, the idea that you hear the lecture ahead of time, and then get in groups when you’re in class and go through the material. And then online education and remote learning was starting to emerge pre-COVID, in the pandemic, but then COVID happened, and to me, that was really an incredible catalyst to push these technologies forward. So, I’m not saying, really, everything started with COVID. The truth is it was way before that, but it really acted as a catalyst for that, and so we’re looking at things now like hybrid learning, like blended learning, and high-flex learning, and if you want, we can go into those types a little bit, but all kinds of new learning methods that the technology is required to have implemented and implemented well.
Christina Cardoza: (On screen: slide on The Rise of EdTech with an image of young student taking a virtual class on laptop)
Absolutely, and I agree this all was happening before COVID, but COVID forced everyone to adopt these technologies very quickly, and now that we had a chance to sit back and see how they’ve been working, we can be a little bit more thoughtful and purposeful about how we use these technologies, and you’ve mentioned a couple of them at the beginning, laptops, tablets. So, Joe, I’m wondering if you can expand on the type of technology we’re seeing in the classroom today, and how that’s improving education?
Joe Jackson: Sure, yes. I just want to expand on what John was saying about how COVID sped things up a bit. I mean, Zoom has been around for the better part of a decade. I remember installing it on my laptop when I was doing a bunch of H.323 stuff, a lot of distance learning with appliances and purpose-built things just for that specific discipline, but now it’s ubiquitous. Now you have cameras in the classroom. Now you have the ability to monitor things. Like a true IT-focused business would, you can monitor these things, and then you can offer it to communities that have never… Maybe I can’t get to a campus, maybe I don’t have the resources, but I have an internet connection, and I have a laptop, and now I can take classes online. So, I think it’s really broadened our approach to education now and become more inclusive, to be honest with you. EdTech is always going to push the envelope. I love giving technicians the ability to do crazy things with our stuff. They find building controls is one of those things that I think we’ll get into later, maybe, but the idea of EdTech being something that’s ubiquitous is really cool, and really why I love being in this industry. It’s quite awesome to see us push the envelope and see where we can go next.
Christina Cardoza: So, it’s been quite a few years since I’ve actually been in the classroom myself. I remember growing up and learning in school. We would have the projector come in, and that would be projected on to a whiteboard, or we would have a TV rolled in for movie day, and it took some time for the teachers to set this up and get it working properly. So, I’m wondering what the state of adoption has been, and how schools and teachers and students are getting acclimated with this new technology. John, I’ll turn that one over to you.
John Hulen: You know, it’s been an incredible transition and implementation of new technologies, what we’ve seen recently, but I will say we see a whole spectrum. We see schools that use educational technology still quite on a limited basis. Maybe they just use it to put their a projector in the classroom. Like you said, PCs, laptops, tablets, get plugged in, document cameras, and just used to help with visual aids, so to speak, for the course material.
As an example, some of the colleges and universities that we’ve seen are really implementing technology to push the cutting edge. There’s a school in Ohio that uses virtual and augmented reality in their medical school. There’s a technical school in Pennsylvania that is using both Crestron and Intel’s technology in their robotics. We’ve seen an R1 university, a top-level research university in Southern California, use our Virtual Control to be able to touch systems all around the campus. So, it still varies whether the school is really implementing the technology, or they’re waiting to see what happens.
Christina Cardoza: Absolutely, and some of those advanced technologies, you mentioned augmented reality, virtual reality, and even when it comes down to the laptops, you bring it home, sometimes the students are figuring out how to work on their own, or the teacher’s own, so they’re not necessarily in the classroom, learning all this stuff. So, Joe, I’m wondering what sort of support or training is available when schools adapt this technology, and how you get the staff and the students up to speed on it.
Joe Jackson: Well, we have a wonderful online training course as well as an person. So, when someone’s investing heavily in the Q-SYS ecosystem, we actually invest heavily in them, and we will bring training on campus. I find that in-person training is probably better to do at least once, twice a year with folks just so you can familiarize yourself with the on-campus tech, because there’s only so much you can see on a video. However, the continuing education part of it, we’ve developed three and four-hour blocks, so someone can log in on a Friday, let’s say, and if I’m your boss, I’m saying that’s part of your job. Once a week, twice a week maybe, sit there and log in and learn something new.
It’s also fun. We have some really cool trainers, and when we go out in person, some people scoff at that, and they’re like, hey, where’s Nate and Patrick. I know they make it fun, but there are a lot more smart people at our company as well, just other than the stars, Nate and Patrick, but they do a wonderful job of delivery. And we also have a student, actually one of my technicians got hired out of a school that’s local to me, he is going back in on Halloween, and he’s going to teach a three-hour course for an instructor that has a sound technician course, and one of the things that came up was Q-SYS, so we’re diving in and doing instruction at the universities themselves.
So, the online stuff is really cool. People love videos. If you just want to learn how to install a camera, it takes three minutes, watch a video, but if you really want to get deep, you want to go into UI creation, you want to go into coding in Lua, we have that as well, and we do a lot of one-on-one sessions with some of our top tier clients just to get them familiar with our product. So, training is multifaceted, it’s out there, and just contact us, and we’ll help you.
Christina Cardoza: (On screen: slide on Education for All with an image of a teacher teaching a class of students in desks)
And we touched a little bit on the aspect of bringing educational resources to areas that you may not be in, having more access to resources and experts around the world, and even in some areas where the education landscape doesn’t reach all of those transformations, they’re now being able to benefit a lot more, getting access to all of these different tools. So, I want to look at the benefits of EdTech, both from a student and teacher’s perspective. John, if you want to take that one.
John Hulen: Absolutely. I think from the student’s perspective, what we’re really talking about is different ways of learning, and really ingesting material to commit it to memory. So, there are students that – and like me, that I’m a visual learner, so the technology really helps reinforce that desire and preference of mine to learn through visual material. But the truth is, audio amplification being implemented as well, it can do everything to benefit students from better hearing a soft-spoken professor or instructor to going back to listen to the material, because they’re a little bit more auditory, and they want to learn through hearing the information several times in a row. So, now you have education technology that’s recording sessions and audio amplification, as well as even active learning. So, we’re seeing technology implemented when students help teach other students the course material. They get back together in the classroom, use the education technology to collaborate and to really understand what the material is. That’s on the student side.
On the instructor side, we’ve seen – especially with the COVID lockdowns, we’ve seen instructors go you know what, I can teach a lot of my course material from home or remotely, or I can record portions of it ahead of time, and let the students watch that maybe asynchronously, like not when the class is going on. So, we’ve seen the benefits to the instructors, everything from bad weather, a snow day that says, hey, let’s not just close school down, let’s just make it an online learning day, to the benefits of bringing guest speakers in. So, you have a medical school that wants to bring in a Chinese doctor, an expert on a certain field, or you have a business school that wants to hear from a leader of a company in Europe to understand their privacy issues versus maybe what the regulations are in the US. So, there are incredible benefits to implementing this technology. It also takes an aspect from the school and from the instructors to implement the technology in their pedagogy, in their material, so they really integrate and get the benefits out of implementing. So, it’s not just implementing technology for the sake of it. It’s implementing technology to get those extra benefits.
Christina Cardoza: One thing that I really love that you said is being able to allow students to rewatch the lessons or to learn on their own time, in their own speed. Education for a very long time has been teaching one way to all students, but not all students are the same, so this is really giving teachers and students the opportunity to learn and teach in a way that is most beneficial for them. One thing I want to touch on, though, is that there are still a lot of inequalities in the education landscape. I touched a little bit on them earlier about how not all areas around the globe have access to all of the educational resources that other areas have. So, Joe, I’m wondering if you can talk about some of those inequalities and how the use of EdTech is tackling those.
Joe Jackson: I mean, yes, I think I touched on it before about folks that may be, for lack of a better term, out in the boonies. They don’t have access to a large city campus or a community school. It is ubiquitous, it’s on your phone, it’s on your laptop, it’s on your iPad, so if you have access to one of those, or if you have a friend that has one of those, even for continuing studies, folks that are already out in the world, but I still want to go back and learn basket weaving, you can do that too. You can – well, you may not be able to do basket weaving on video, but bad example, right? But the pedagogy itself has just changed. Everyone has changed the way that they see the classroom.
Now, I remember back in the day, I couldn’t put cameras in the classroom. I was at a private school and no one would allow cameras in the school. I just wanted to watch the doors and make sure my equipment didn’t walk off. Now the cameras are in the classroom. They’re front and back, they’re facing everyone, we have microphones in the classroom, and those people can now project themselves out to the boonies if they want. So, the inequalities are shrinking, and I think that what you’re going to see, even though Harvard has a historic low 3.17-percentage entrance rate, there are a lot of other schools out there. There’s 5,500 schools. SNHU Online is a big one. Phoenix Online started it all, right? Anyone can get a hold of the information. I think what you’re seeing mostly with education is you’re a freshman in sophomore year, you want to be on campus. After that yes, juniors and seniors still want to be on campus to go to the football game, but most people just have busy lives now, and education is for all of us. It’s not just for the select few.
So, that’s what I would say, that just we’re going into that realm of education for all, and it says so on your slide. It really is for all.
Christina Cardoza: Well, you may not be able to do basket weaving online, but I’ve always wanted to learn to knit so it’s sounding more like I have no more excuses anymore. I can learn to knit from the comfort of my own home with on-demand access, so that may be something I have to look into.
Joe Jackson: Elon Musk has Neuralink, you’re going to be like Neo and just download Judo one day, so when Crestron or Q-SYS comes out with a WAP that can be implanted, watch out, because I always tell people, if you get an RJ45 to your cat, I can control it too, but now it’s a WAP. You don’t want wires.
Christina Cardoza: Well, it’s amazing to hear where this technology can go, and everything it’s doing right now. One thing that I’ve noticed is, in the past, technology companies and organizations have really competed against one another, but in this new modern world, better together is an ongoing theme. To get these all implemented, to be able to do this and benefit the schools, the teachers, the students, it’s really a collaborative effort. And I know, John, you mentioned Intel. I should mention is an Intel-owned publication, but we always love to hear how companies are not only working with just Intel, but other partners in the ecosystem to make this happen.
So, if you guys could expand on the partnerships you have ongoing right now with Intel or anyone else you want to mention. Joe, I’ll start with you on this one.
Joe Jackson: Sure. Yes, I mean, we’re Intel Inside. It’s a – I tell people this all the time. I love the term AVIT but it’s so dated. It’s just IT and our DSP is just a DSP, but we are so much more. It’s a processor that uses an Intel chipset, based on a militarized version of Linux for the timing, and we just stack everything else on top of that. So, Linux is very important to us. Layer 3 Intel products, COTS, you’re going to hear that a lot, commercial off-the-shelf appliances, the virtual world is opening up, and I really do believe that software’s eating the world. We’re a software company. Q-SYS is a software platform, and we need people to understand that our platform is ubiquitous to anything that’s Layer 3 and OpenAPI. We love our partners, we love all of our manufacturers, because as you know, when you go into any classroom out there, if it’s dated a bit, you’re going to have seven manufacturers in there. Some of them will have three, others will have 20. So, if you’re not interoperable, and if you’re not going towards that smart AV platform that we’re pushing, you’re in the stone ages. So, move forward, embrace software, and that’s where I’ll leave that part.
John Hulen: Well, and for us for the last three years, I think Crestron’s been the MRS Gold Partner of Intel’s, which – Market Ready Solutions partner of Intel. So, we have used Intel processing and technology in our UC solutions, our unified communication solutions, and collaboration. Intel awards this Gold Partner status to people who implement the technology in other ways too. So, our cameras, the 1 Beyond camera hardware uses Intel, as well as our AV-over-IP solution uses Intel processing, and there’s a specific product called the D80, which uses the Intel Open processing solution – excuse me, Open platform solution so that actually it makes – it’s a device that slides right into a display, making the display an endpoint for audio, video and control over IP. So, there’s a ton of different ways we partner with Intel, and it’s been incredible, especially over the last three to five years, where this technology is proliferating everywhere.
Christina Cardoza: Absolutely, and now that we’ve learned about some of the benefits and the technologies that go into all of this, I’d love to hear more about some of the examples that you guys already provided.
(On screen: slide on The Classroom and Beyond with an image of students working in a hallway)
I know I recently was reading an article on, and one of the courses a university in China was trying to teach was an intro to the Olympics, and so it was an online virtual course, but they brought the classroom to the outside, or to the ice rink, and had Olympic professionals teaching the course from the ice floor. So, I’m very interested to see how else this is transforming the teaching plans and landscape, and where else, even beyond education, we can take some of these technologies and transform them even further. John, I’ll start with you on that one.
John Hulen: Sure. I guess there’s too many to name right now. Initially, I guess I would say, we have dozens of case studies on our website about – and you can actually sort just by education, and so it’s all about different institutions implementing Crestron technology all over campus.
A couple of quick examples to give is, we’re about to… I think I can say this. We’re about to publish a video case study on University of North Carolina Greensboro, their brand new Esports facility, and that has become a huge, important type of learning and playing in college and universities, and schools around the world now, as well as University of Michigan and Ford collaborated on an engineering building. And what’s so compelling about that is, I think the top two floors are for Ford and run by Ford, and they’re doing AI research and development in self-driving technology, and the bottom two floors are robotics, and the University of Michigan grad students are learning about developing robotics and programming for them, and so on. So, whether it’s from examples like medical schools, in VR labs, or mixed media labs, we have a university in Connecticut that has… They started with their Esports program, but that ended up driving funding, both federal and private funding, to fund a new cybersecurity range, as well as a mobile STEM lab. That is a case study you can find on our website about Central Connecticut State University.
There are really just so many compelling new learning environments, and now we call them learning spaces, not even classrooms, and so… And actually, one other item that you’d find there is an article I wrote about AV everywhere on campus, just the idea that this technology, how Intel’s implemented into Crestron solutions, but it’s no longer just the classroom. You have huddle spaces, and meeting rooms, and shoot, you have athlete study rooms now in the athletic facilities, and divisible rooms in the event centers, which are revenue-generating spaces. So, I mean, hopefully, that’s more than you needed of examples, but we have a lot of case studies on it.
Christina Cardoza: I love all the Esports stuff. I can’t wait till it becomes a little bit more mainstream. My children are young, my oldest is only in kindergarten right now, but someone at the bus stop asked me the other day what sports I was planning on putting him in and Esport was my answer. So, really waiting, hoping that comes soon to my school.
Joe, are there any other customer or real-world examples you can share with us, and how the opportunities exist beyond the classroom?
Joe Jackson: Yes, I mean, near and dear to my heart is Esports, and I’ve seen a lot of Esports arenas pop up around the last decade or so. I tried to put one at SMU years ago and they said, “What? You’re you doing what?” I’m like, well, there’s more people that watch video games online than watch the Super Bowl sometimes, so. You know, Fortnite had a concert in a park and 10 million people showed up, so Esports is really near and dear to my heart, especially as a company. We have a cinema division. Everyone knows this in the AMC theaters and Atmos and those types of things, but we have partnerships with Epic Games, NC State that houses Epic Games’s program there. We work with Netflix. We work with a ton of folks that have that immersive audio sound because most people know QSC as an audio company, but we’re so much more than that.
The other thing that I want to touch on too is – and Esports is great, I love it. My son is into it, I’m into it. I’m trying to build an Atmos theater upstairs just so I can take the headphones off and get into the game. So, when you talk about gaming, I really tend to go the creative route when I talk about gaming. But building controls, like I said earlier, I mean, there are so many different things that our processors can be used for. We had a client that had someone keep leaving a freezer door open, so they put a sensor on it, and they had Reflect tell them, hey, go close the freezer door. Companies like Johnson Control are building things like OpenBlue platform, like Digital Twin. The military is using AI, and again, that immersive feeling of being in a video game to train their soldiers. So, there’s so much more that this platform can do, and again, I tried to tell people, AVIT really is a cool term, but it really is just IT, and we are the AV geeks. So, I hope we continue to push the envelope into what’s possible, and universities and government is just my favorite because they do tend to like to push the envelope a bit, so.
Christina Cardoza: You’ll have to invite us over for a LAN party once your Atmos theater is all complete.
Joe Jackson: I have a gig internet connection, and as a kid, trust me, I remember the LAN parties and somebody had one-meg, playing Doom, so.
Christina Cardoza: So, we covered a lot in this webinar, and I want to look toward the future a little bit.
(On screen: slide on The Future of Education with image of young students in classroom using tablets)
If you guys can look into your crystal balls, and any predictions you have on how these new technologies are going to continue to expand, and bring us new use cases in the future, and how also they are preparing our students for the future. John, you want to take that one first?
John Hulen: Sure. You know, there are so many ways, we named a lot already, but I guess I’ll start with this more fundamental truth, that 21st-century students are not expecting the same experience that their parents had, and we… I heard someone say the other day, which I really liked, and it was at an educational conference, and they said we are digital natives trying to – excuse me, we are digital immigrants trying to teach digital natives with analog tools, and I was like, oh, that’s perfect. It really is a big hill for us to climb to understand the perspective of these students.
I thought Joe brought up a great point that reminded me earlier, when he said students sometimes want to be in the classroom, sometimes they don’t. What I’ve noticed, I have a 15-year-old and a 12-year-old and I’ve noticed that their idea of social is being connected through the game, for instance, or being online together they almost consider the same as being in the same room. Or when classes have started back after some of the lockdowns, they were more interested in the social aspect and being together than they really were necessarily being in the classroom. What you’ll end up seeing is students watching the class material together, maybe in a shared student recreation area, or a student learning space, rather than necessarily going, but that’s what they consider social. So, I feel like beyond the classroom is just that. It is everywhere else, learning needs to take place.
I think of students who have dependents of their own at home, and being able to still get that high school or college degree. They’ve been craving to be maybe a first-generation graduate, or to expand their knowledge and capabilities. I mean, now we’re talking about micro-certifications for jobs and nano-certifications, where you’re learning on the job constantly, and that’s an expectation from employers. So, beyond the classroom is just about every aspect of our lives.
Christina Cardoza: I definitely see that at home with my own kids, and they’re learning. We have various tablets, where it’s teaching them how to read through all of these interactive games, teaching them how to trace, and then even with some of the older technologies we have at home, they’re very confused by it. They go to my laptop screen, and they start pressing it, expecting things to work, and then they go in the classroom and they sit there at the chalkboard, and they have no idea what they’re looking at or what this is. So, I think I absolutely agree. In the future they’re going to be using these technologies for work, for play, so why not bring it into the classroom?
Joe, is there anything you want to add about how these new technologies are providing new opportunities for the future, and for the students of the future?
Joe Jackson: Absolutely. I think the future of education really should be based around user experience, and what I mean by that is we as manufacturers have to look through to who is the end user? Well, is that the technician that installs it and maintains it? Is that the professor that delivers the information on the media, or is that the person that is actually sitting there absorbing the information? I argue it’s all three, and four, and there are so many aspects that you have to get right. A break-fix team now is implemented in most of the larger schools. Some of the smaller schools still have to rely on integration partners, but more and more what I see the future of education is a lot more educators taking more control over how they deliver that education experience, and it really is all about the user experience, and again, ubiquitous, learn from anywhere. You’re on vacation, and you want to learn how to scuba dive, you could probably watch a video. I was taught by a couple of crazy Australians on the way out to the reef. I don’t suggest you learn that quickly, and get thrown into the pool, but if you wanted to, you could, if you’re that type of learner.
We have to understand how do people learn. Do you need to be in class? Then let’s come to class. But now we have the ability to split that class in half based on the needs of the user. So, if the user can learn through video and flip the classroom, and then come to school for instruction, then let the person learn that way. We can’t pigeonhole folks into the same type of user experience. So, I would say we, just as manufacturers, what we need to do is… The main thing that we do, I think, as a company is we go and listen to the end users, and that means all of the stakeholders, not just the students. Because it is about the students, but it’s also about the delivery, and the maintenance, and the break-fix of the technology, so we have to keep that in mind as manufacturers, to keep pushing the envelope and making things a little bit easier for people to do, because it is technology, and that’s what we have technology for, is to make things easier, not harder.
Christina Cardoza: Absolutely, and I have to admit, I’m a little jealous about all of these technologies and tools that my kids are going to be able to grow up with, but as we discussed throughout this entire conversation, anybody can be a student now from anywhere and any topic. So, I’m excited to dig into some more learning myself over the next couple of years.
Unfortunately, we are running out of time today, and I’m sure we can continue to talk about this for hours, but before we go, are there any final key thoughts or takeaways you want to leave our attendees with today? Joe, we’ll start with you.
Joe Jackson: Just keep learning, folks. That’s why we’re here. I’m passionate about bringing technology to folks not only for learning, but for the listening and for the visuals. And yes, reach out to me or my team, if you guys have any questions about our technology, and yes, great talking with you guys.
Christina Cardoza: Absolutely, and John, any last remarks?
John Hulen: Yes, I feel like we… The technology allows the students to be prepared in so many different ways, and I think my biggest hope and passion, and dream is that the AV departments, audiovisual departments, that used to be relegated to the basements, and some still are, and as a retrofit, even on a new project, that they’re elevated to the point where they get a seat at the table in design, and the UX, the user experience, like Joe was mentioning. This technology has gone from being a roll-a-cart into a room to integrated into both the network, the IT side, as well as the architectural side, and even building and lighting control. There’s so much, so I really hope that if there are C levels, there are Deans or provosts that listen to the webinar today, that they take a second to think about what considerations should I have when the school architect’s thinking about a brand-new business building or a medical building, or a brand-new classroom or learning space, or a lab, and get those designers who care about that user experience at the forefront and a seat at the table.
Christina Cardoza: Great. Well, with that, I just want to thank you both for joining the webinar today. It’s been a very insightful conversation, and we’ll have to be sure to follow back up and follow you guys as this landscape continues to evolve, and see all the great things and the great works that Crestron and QSC continue to do.
I also want to thank our audience for listening today. If you’d like to learn more about the future of education and EdTech, I invite you all to visit where we have a wealth of podcasts and articles on the subject, as well as Crestron and QSC. Until next time, I’m Christina Cardoza with
(On screen: Thank you slide with URL
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